The ‘Synthetic Turf in Public Open Space – Guidelines for Decision-Makers’ (a draft from NSW Planning) is now on public exhibition – comments and submissions close on Monday, April 29 and can be made here: Make a Submission
The Guidelines do acknowledge some of the very serious environmental and health dangers from these plastic fields but only on a single page (page 18) and then blithely proceed to suggest guidelines for their installation. Nowhere does it even hint that these guidelines be mandatory, let alone that the precautionary principle (if in doubt, don’t proceed) prevail. The guidelines, inadequate as they are, remain pious suggestions only. And yes, the guidelines admit that there are ways and means for natural turf fields to be improved, but only mentions that in passing rather than developing it as the genuine alternative to these toxic fields.
Friends of Callan Park have drafted a response – please use this as your submission or create your own – feel free to cut and paste from FOCP template: FOCP Draft Submission
The Natural Turf Alliance (FOCP is a member) website has documents including articles and studies to help with submissions. See: